Heu provat mai de fer una reflexió crítica dels costums i la idiosincràsia del vostre país, del caràcter, del tarannà, de l’educació i inclús dels horaris de vida dels seus habitants? Si compareu tot això amb la situació a altres països amb cultures diferents, ix la vostra cultura benparada? Sembla ser que hi ha qui, en fer aquest exercici, n’ha tret conclusions si més no sorprenents... El debat queda obert.
Have you ever thought critically about the customs of your country, its people’s temper and its idiosyncrasy? Ever thought about your habits, your countrymen timetables? If you compare all this with other countries with different countries and cultures, does your culture come out victorious? It seems that there is somebody who has carried out this exercise, and it has led him to surprising conclusions... He regrets being Spanish
Have you ever thought critically about the customs of your country, its people’s temper and its idiosyncrasy? Ever thought about your habits, your countrymen timetables? If you compare all this with other countries with different countries and cultures, does your culture come out victorious? It seems that there is somebody who has carried out this exercise, and it has led him to surprising conclusions... He regrets being Spanish