Nota preliminar - Preliminary note
Valencià: Primer de tot vos diré que em fa moltíssima perea escriure esta primera entrada. ¿Per què? Perquè és difícil descriure de què va un blog quan encara no saps què hi escriuràs. Per això canviaré esta entrada tantes voltes com crega necessari. O potser no. Vejam: en principi vullc contar coses que evidentment em passaran a mi, però no les meues misèries sense interés, sinó potser algun viatge, concert, experiència, excursió, pensament, ressenya literària o musical, traducció, recomanació, etcètera, que trobe que és, en primer lloc, interessant de recordar per a mi, i en segon lloc, interessant de llegir per ad algú. Així doncs, potser també faré alguna crítica d'un altre blog o penjaré qualsevol altre tipus d'enllaç, del qual m'abellisca parlar o al qual em vinga de gust fer-li publicitat. Al remat la qüestió és expressar-se.
PS: La llengua que utilitzaré per a escriure el blog serà normalment el valencià, encara que també pretenc escriure en anglés, en castellà, i si em veig capaç introduiré textos en altres llengües de les quals de moment tinc un coneixement bastant bàsic. Tot dependrà de la temàtica de l'entrada i del temps de què dispose. En qualsevol cas, m'agradaria que comentàreu allò que llegiu, o almenys que em digau què vos suggerix. No cal registrar-s'hi, només assegureu-vos que abans d'escriure feu clic en l'opció 'anònim'.
English: First of all I must say that I feel very lazy to write this first post. Why? Because it is quite difficult to say what a blog is about when you still don't know what you are going to write on it. That is why I'll probably change this post as often as necessary. Or maybe I won't. Let's see: at first, I want to tell you things that are happening to me, but not my personal misery which is of no interest at all, but maybe some trip, concert, experience, thought, a literary or musical review, a translation, recommendation, etc, which I find that is, firstly, interesting for me to remember, and secondly, interesting for someone to read. Thus, maybe I comment on other blogs or put any kind of link I want to to talk about or recommend. In the end the important thing is to express oneself.
Postscript: The language I'll be using in this blog will normally be Valencian, though I intend to write also in English, in Spanish, and maybe I even introduce texts in some other languages that I don't speak fluently by now. Everything will depend on the post subject and on the time I have. In any case, I would like you to comment on what you've read. At least let me know what comes to mind after reading it. You don't need to be registered to post a comment, just make sure that before writing you click on 'anonymous'.
PS: La llengua que utilitzaré per a escriure el blog serà normalment el valencià, encara que també pretenc escriure en anglés, en castellà, i si em veig capaç introduiré textos en altres llengües de les quals de moment tinc un coneixement bastant bàsic. Tot dependrà de la temàtica de l'entrada i del temps de què dispose. En qualsevol cas, m'agradaria que comentàreu allò que llegiu, o almenys que em digau què vos suggerix. No cal registrar-s'hi, només assegureu-vos que abans d'escriure feu clic en l'opció 'anònim'.
English: First of all I must say that I feel very lazy to write this first post. Why? Because it is quite difficult to say what a blog is about when you still don't know what you are going to write on it. That is why I'll probably change this post as often as necessary. Or maybe I won't. Let's see: at first, I want to tell you things that are happening to me, but not my personal misery which is of no interest at all, but maybe some trip, concert, experience, thought, a literary or musical review, a translation, recommendation, etc, which I find that is, firstly, interesting for me to remember, and secondly, interesting for someone to read. Thus, maybe I comment on other blogs or put any kind of link I want to to talk about or recommend. In the end the important thing is to express oneself.
Postscript: The language I'll be using in this blog will normally be Valencian, though I intend to write also in English, in Spanish, and maybe I even introduce texts in some other languages that I don't speak fluently by now. Everything will depend on the post subject and on the time I have. In any case, I would like you to comment on what you've read. At least let me know what comes to mind after reading it. You don't need to be registered to post a comment, just make sure that before writing you click on 'anonymous'.
(Text actualitzat en maig de 2024)
p.d. m'avorrisc "bestialment"
Ara em fixe que els objectius no han canviat i els objectius s'han assolit (llevat d'això d'escriure en diverses llengües).